I am SO excited that today I get to chat with my great friend Erin Rose, and share her heart (and some good laughs) with you! Erin lives in Richmond, Virginia and just transitioned out of her full-time role as a worship and teaching pastor, and she’s full of insight about navigating life changes, hearing God’s calling on your life, and honoring God in singleness or whatever stage you’re in.
Some topics we cover:
1. What does it look like when God makes his calling abundantly clear in times of transition?
2. Permission to act on the desires that God has placed in your heart
3. Singleness, and intentionality in offering up whatever season of life you’re in as an offering to God


Nicole lives in Richmond, VA with her husband, three children, and two dogs!
In her books, Nicole is passionate about making transformation attainable and accessible to people in all stages of life. As a coach, she brings clarity and courage for individuals and teams as they pursue a preferred future. As a speaker, Nicole brings both wit and wisdom to the platform, with an honest and vulnerable approach that appeals to both faith and leadership environments alike.